In the digital marketing era, people are talking more and more about how you can be at the top of Google.
Business owners find their phone lines inundated with empty promises that for any amount of money per month they can get that specific entity found at the top of search results.
In the grander scheme of things, there are very few people who honestly know exactly what it takes to build a web presence and deliver on the notion that they can truly place any web property online as the first result in search engine queries for keywords.
After all, free traffic (or more affordable client acquisition strategies) is ranked among the best of ways to cut marketing costs and increase sales.
For those thinking of starting a business online – or simply wanting to learn more about what it takes to get closer to that coveted “top spot of Google” – perhaps a certification course could be the answer.
Unfortunately, not all certifications are created equal.
Stop and think for a moment: who certified the first entity or person that gave a certification credential to someone else?
I’m not going to answer that question here, but at the end of the day – they’re nothing more than opinions and third-parties saying that they think this person has met the requirements to be given a piece of paper for successfully navigating a sequence of prerequisites to earn this certificate.
What is the best measurement of a certification?
Easy; can the certified individual accomplish the intended result independently?
In other words – can a Digital Marketer (certified or not) get customers through the door?
This is the very predicate behind my entire online business that has allowed me to generate passive income to such a high level that I can spare my days and hours working on this blog to inform you about what you’re looking for – instead of slaving away for a corporate gig.
When I was chillin’ on a cold couch in the dead of winter in 2014, my Detroit, Michigan apartment was downtown and in such a low-rent complex that I often wondered if the
Even if I would have paid more to have the landlord turn the heat on more often, I am convinced that it wouldn’t have made much difference.
It was time for me to begin looking for an alternative revenue stream through the internet.
Digital marketing had crossed my mind, but I never took it seriously until I ran into a gentleman who put together a local lead generation coaching program – which was designed around getting free traffic for the purpose of generating more referrals and opportunities for local business owners and service providers to close more deals and expand their bottom line…
To this day, that guy is my mentor and has introduced me to the very warpath that led to my raking in $10k per month – part-time – and the following accomplishments over the last 5 years…
- Quit my corporate 9 to 5 “career”
- Left the $35,000 annual salary
- Moved into a bigger apartment – WITH HEAT FOR THE WINTER!
- Actually got a car (so I don’t have to walk everywhere in below freezing temps)
- Get to do what I love – learn more about business ventures, digital marketing aspects of generating money online, and what would be the best fit for a newbie to have the information about in order to make a decision about their entrepreneurial passions
If you want to launch your own business or simply want to make some side cash in your spare time, then this would be a great opportunity for you to keep reading.
This entire blog (and others I’ve written) were intended to accomplish one thing:
I wanted to help someone who was in my shoes (from only a few short years ago) to have the information they need to decide if a business venture or online method to making money from home is really for them.
I mean, I’ve been able to do things like you see in the image below:

What you see here is the result of the things my mentor – his name is Dan – taught me these concepts long before I had even considered that making money with my laptop was a very real possibility.
What I’ve done with his information in this lead gen coaching program, and with these lead gen sites that I have now built and own – which take less than 7 hours (in total) to position on the world wide web so they can continue to spit out cash flow regularly – is…
I have optimized these assets, what I like to call virtual real estate (like what you see above), so they can continue to present passive income to me in the range from $750 to $3,000 per month… just like this tree care site from Grand Rapids, MI — $2k per month and still working like a charm!

They’ve been paying me for years and I’m sitting quite comfortably now that my side hustle has paid off, and it will continue paying off for years as long as small businesses and the internet stick around… and I don’t think they’re going anywhere at any time in the near future
That means the lead generation business model is here to stay!
How’s that for some financial security?
The lead generation for small business with free traffic lifestyle from a laptop is real, and I wake up every day to wonder how I’m going to spend my time that day –
This is mostly because I get to enjoy not having a full-time job to wake up early and walk 3 miles through the snow un
If you’re curious about this and want to learn more, we only have a few spots left so I would CLICK HERE to learn more, or keep reading and discover what else is available for you in the coaching program at the bottom of this article.
If you’re still here and reading, then you must have a deep interest in acquiring a digital marketing certification of your own.
Not to worry, that’s what this blog post is about.
Naturally, authority tends to play a huge factor in considering where one is going to learn their skills from; and colleges and universities seem to be the go-to authorities for all things education-related.
I get questions all the time, now, about the Digital Marketing Certificate from this, that, and the other entity.
Some have even asked me where I get my information and expertise from – and the truth is, I invested in a mentor that taught me everything I know…
And it’s been a very profitable ride, I must say.
Educational institutions or third-parties who claim to specialize in certifying students of their own tend to be more trusted than other for-profit businesses that charge ridiculously high prices and sell “perceived value” instead of “the authentic training of a high-income skill!”
The top institution of higher learning’s digital marketing credential(s) that I get asked the most about includes Cornell University…
So we’re going to have a quick chat about what good
From an ivy-league reputation to one of historical significance, it’s no surprise that there is a lot of “buzz-feed” going around about Cornell University and their digital marketing certificate.
More popular than I had actually imagined, I’m confident that it carries sufficient
Despite the branding of the institution, everyone seems to be asking whether this is a credential worth investing their time and hard-earned money into…
Said another way, is it really worth it?
What makes Cornell stand out when compared to the other options?
I’m happy to provide my perspective on this educational program, to include whether or not you should be considering it in 2019.
The reason people read this blog avidly is that we venture into the unknown and ask the hard questions to leave no stone unturned.
Why Get a Certificate?

Let’s kick this party off right and ask the legitimate question that anyone is asking in this day and age – when we have self-proclaimed “gurus” charging up the tailpipe for a similar education but they then deliver it outside of the walls of credentialed educational institutions of higher learning – as to whether it’s a good idea for you to get a certificate in the first place…
Are there intrinsic benefits to having that third-party piece of paper that announces to the world that someone else believes I’m smart enough to be hired?
Seriously, what benefits come of getting that credential?
To begin, I’d like to first point out that certifications are much cheaper than full-blown degrees granted by higher learning institutions (meaning, those above the high-school level of education):
- No need to sacrifice arms or legs to fund the certification
- For the price, certification carries weight in today’s era
- You can side-step the tuition inflation of our society and streamline your learning process to get straight to the qualification phase of being seriously considered for employment.
- Timeline to certification completion is much shorter than a degree with credits
That last point is key: people in our days are speaking more about time fleeing
them and they wish they had more of it to do the things they want and
Time is a valuable resource, and many would argue that value supersedes that of money.
That said, if you’re a workaholic or a working parent (maybe even a single parent), perhaps a certification is a better fit so you can dodge the overarching degree requirements not specific to your field of study at the university level.
In that case, who might be a good fit for a digital marketing certificate?
- Professionals
- IT Personnel
- Marketing students or interns
- Owners and C-Suite Executives who want to better understand how their marketing dollars are being spent on the internet through their “hired experts”
- Working parents (especially single parents)
- And many, many more.
If you cannot afford to spend your vacation hours or leave of absence investing in bettering yourself through a degree-granting institution, then certification in digital marketing may allow you the opportunity to improve yourself and your skillset.
Adding a certificate in Digital Marketing to a resume is never a bad idea.
When we’re in the era of the internet and everyone seems to be obsessed with wanting to know how they can use it to bring in more customers, this may also be an excellent choice for someone who wants to switch their career up…
If the aforementioned details illustrate you in any level of resemblance, then you probably don’t have the time or financial means to return to college (for some, to start going to college) for a full-fledged degree.
There may be some of those reading this that are in a different position and can, in fact, afford to handle both the financial and time commitments.
However, does anyone really have the desire to face that level of rigor and intense education after so many years in the workforce?
A friend of mine recently completed one of the seemingly easiest degrees on the market today – communication studies.
In reality, he seemed to have worked harder than any of my science or engineering buddies with his research and homework requirements week after week.
In any of the aforementioned cases, a certification program can supply you with the skills necessary to tackle a totally new career endeavor – especially one in digital marketing.
Of course, these are just guidelines.
If you’re not (and most of my readers typically are) a working professional, I’m confident that you could still qualify to acquire your very own certificate in Digital Marketing.
Some of my followers are young students with absolutely no life experience or college education.
Guess what!?
You can do it, too!
For those that are concerned about whether this can be a good fit in your golden years, rest assured that it’s never too late to return for a full degree (that is to say — if such a qualification has ever been a goal or genuinely appeals to you).
For my Ivy Leaguers out there with your heart set on a Digital Marketing Certificate or degree, then it’s time to consider the career-building notion of reputable options like Cornell.
All About Cornell University

Are you familiar with the classroom setting and having to carry books across streets and sidewalks just to arrive at a smelly classroom from the students of the previous class that barreled out of the room as if the building were on fire?
You might not be in for a situation like that with Cornell’s educational endeavor to reach more prospective students from a wider cadre of qualifications and backgrounds.
The Institution that actually offers this Digital Marketing Certificate is called ECornell.
Never heard of it?
Not to worry…
This is an online learning platform that was founded, developed and launched entirely by Cornell University.
Establishing this option in the early 2000s (approximately 20 years ago), they have expanded to now offer their digital-based students approximately 40 different qualifying curricula and certifications that challenge even the most rigorous of MBA-level required Master Degree courses.
Technically, ECornell is not classified as a separate entity or “Online University” in the same way as other, similarly perceived, or for-profit schools.
Instead, Ecornell is known as a “Professional Development Company.”
While not an Online University, the certification programs you’ll be taking here are taught by faculty members directly from Cornell University.
What about Admission Requirements?
Ready for some exciting news?
You too can have a look inside of Cornell without actually attending (it’s digital, of course, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a view like this if you went to college for your Digital Marketing Certification):

In common fashion with certification programs – especially in the field of Digital Marketing education – you may not have the typical university prerequisites or admission demands to contend with in order to enroll in the Digital Marketing courses here.
Another great attraction is ECornell’s scheduling flexibility – allowing for working professionals to cooperate with Cornell University to achieve their Digital Marketing Certification on their time.
Do you need to connect with your peers to…
- discuss topics?
- ask questions about complicated lecture points?
- prepare for exams?
- complete group projects?
No problem!
Under the
In each Certification Program, you’ll find…
- video lectures
- case studies
- references
- tons of other online tools
While the reputation that precedes Cornell is attached to the platform here, rest assured that it’s not so old and broken that dust and weeds are going to grow out of your computer when you log on.
If you’re looking to connect with that reputation – or even say that you acquired your education from ECornell – then you may have just come to the right place for your future digital marketing career.
It’s natural to begrudgingly identify how a certificate is not, wasn’t, and never will be a degree of any sort…
A Certificate from Cornell University, however, seems to carry a nice ring to your audience’s ears in casual conversation – or interviews.
All About the Digital Marketing Certificate
The Faculty Author of the Digital Marketing Certificate within

Under meticulous scrutiny and design – like all of Cornell’s Marketing programs were at the Johnson Graduate School of Management – you can be confident that you’re getting your money’s worth…
You’ll receive the same high-caliber of instruction and highly valued education from the same instructors that teach students enrolled on-campus at Cornell and are subject to higher tuition rates.
While high class instruction is great, it’s still important to recognize that the purpose of digital marketing is to bring in more customers.
I know that I have been able to generate wealth through the help of this local lead gen coaching program where I could leverage free traffic to bring more local customers into a business — and they were ready to buy, too!
Just remember this as you go forward: will what you’re learning in any digital marketing training program help you to produce their
The platforms and intricate technology utilized in today’s Digital Marketing arena is are the sole focus of this certification program.
Therefore, you’ll receive guidance on how to properly strategically set-up, implement, and improve your reach (through systematic approaches) to garner more prospective customers through…
- digital resources
- mobile devices
- social media
- video and audio assets
As these popular and current methods of connecting with buyers continue to develop, the originators of the Digital Marketing Certificate curriculum at
Every single lesson in this course is designed and applied (with methodical approach) to guide and encourage the student – which could be you – to develop your own marketing plan of action upon the completion of this course.
To accomplish that – and still teach effectively – they have divided the course into 4 main topics (or sections, if you will):
- Digital Marketing Basics and Customer Funnels
- Paid Digital Media
- Owned Digital Media
- Creating Your Own Digital Marketing Plan
Statistics of the Certificate Program

You’re probably wondering about what may be involved in and what is expected of you to enroll in, and complete, this Digital Marketing Certificate program.
Additional questions seem to creep up along the way too, including how long this might take, what’s the weekly commitment, and more.
To answer these and other questions, let’s briefly look at the following points of information that we can gather with our trusty, free Google searches (yes, I just said that):
- Everything is accessible online (no in-person or live lectures are required)
- The average weekly time investment of most students seems to be 3 to 5 hours
- The guide on your journey will be a conveniently reachable instructor at every step
Including the aforementioned points and only a few menial, insignificant considerations, the average
That is to say, this is time regards from the very first day of lecturing to the last assignment that the students will submit.
Is that not going to work for your schedule?
That’s okay!
You can enroll and take as long as 2 months if you wish (that’s not a gift from me, that’s really how long the course is).
You’re getting a lot for only $3,600 (which can be broken down into $950 per month as a monthly installment plan) from an Ivy League, Tier-1 Rated institution of higher learning, and very reasonable when compared to other certifications!
What Will You Actually Learn?
All of this sounds pretty epic, right?
After all, you’re here to learn but want to make absolutely certain that you’re going to get every bit of bang for your buck – I know I would if I were enrolling after reading through this article…
What does one stand to gain by actually enduring such an educational certification endeavor like this?
Let’s hit these enabling learning objectives (ELOs) one-by-one:

- Be able to identify the types of “big name” companies in the field of digital marketing
Looking to get a great job after completing this course?
It’s good to know the names of the companies that are working hard and branded for their quality of delivery on internet marketing results.
Looking to start your own business with the skills taught in this certification course?
These name brand companies do the majority of advertising and marketing on digital platforms, so they could be your competition if you’re stepping up to the plate here.
- Be able to genuinely assess your consumer’s needs
There’s a reason that the United States employs intelligence assets across the globe…
Information is powerful and you can leverage it to help your clients get to where they’re going.
Whether you’re an employee or entrepreneur in this space, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the needs of those you serve are paramount – and they’re the reason you’re getting paid to be present and work.
What better way than to simply ask someone: “Hey, excuse me, but what are your needs with digital marketing?
After you have gathered your own form of an intelligence collection, we move on to the third objective of this curriculum…
- Be able to design a marketing strategy that can pinpoint your target audience
You’ll learn about all…
- the opportunities you should be taking advantage of in the digital world
- whether they’re websites or other, more fluid digital platforms
- how to incorporate paid advertising opportunities
It’s important to know which marketing strategies and opportunities you should be implementing for your client, including why.
You’ll also come out of this course with your very own marketing plan.
This plan will take into account your unique needs, and your customers’…
- interests
- spending habits
- social patterns
If you want an ideal way to reach your exact buyer in the world wide web, nothing beats the power of digital marketing – when you can get certified in if you enroll in this course.
What Certification(s) Will You Earn?
When you complete the curriculum from ECornell, you’ll have a Digital Marketing Certificate with your name on it.
This will be issued directly from the official and reputable Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.

But wait… there’s more!
You’ll also be entitled to 32 Professional Development Hours (Otherwise known as PDHs) just for completing the course – not bad for a 2-week trek toward personal development!
Is This Course the Right Fit for You?
This specific certification program is actually aimed at a wide range of individuals.
That being said, some people might find it a better fit than others.
Cornell makes it clear that the program is aimed at three main groups of people:
- Entrepreneurs
- Product Managers
- Marketing Directors and Supervisors
Concerned that your professional title might not measure up to the target market?
Not to worry!

Cornell University is happy to illustrate how the Digital Marketing Certificate course can work for…
- anyone looking to test their hand at the Digital Marketing career field
- people interested in gaining a better
understand ing of the Digital Marketing world - those seeking to better communicate with those directly responsible for Digital Marketing
Am I suggesting that the course can be an okay fit for just about everyone?
Pretty much, yes!
Whatever your skill level is, there could be a gem or a little something for everyone to learn at ECornell.
Overall, Cornell’s Digital Marketing Certificate Review seems like a pretty solid option.
With a plethora of options on where to go to get your certification in digital marketing – encompassing price, rigor, and other factors – the faculty at Cornell University has definitely gone out of their way to help you look good on your resume with the digital marketing certificate they offer.
In addition, you get the benefit of being instructed by a respected professor (or several, if you’re lucky in your course session to get more than one person advising you as you progress through the material).
Despite the level of prestige stereotyped on the brand of Cornell, the competent instructors are along the walk with you and will be available every step of the way.
You can expect to have access to these notorious professors for…
- a guiding hand when you’re stuck
- working diligently to grasp even the simplest of concepts
- stepping up your game and diving deep into one of the topics of the course
Are you ready for the best part of ECornell?
The Digital Marketing Certificate from Cornell University is available for just about anyone, including…
- established entrepreneurs
- employees of a big brand
- even the fresh-faced newbie on campus
You’ll have plenty to consider and talk about with the knowledge gathered when you leave this course.
Local Lead Generation: The Ultimate Business Solution in 2019
While the wave of the future is at most of our fingertips with digital applications and devices that we can put in our pockets now…
Digital Marketing is more than branding a company.
There are things that I like to call vanity metrics that business owners choose to believe will bring them more customers – and they might, but they’re really difficult to track the success level of.
Such vanity metrics like…
- Facebook Page Likes
- Instagram Followers
- LinkedIn Connections
- YouTube Subscribers and Video Comments
- Google Business Reviews
These things can give a business owner some warm and fuzzy feelings, but how do these things seriously bring in customers?
Instead of answering that, let’s go a different direction…
Let’s focus on something that is proven to work in digital marketing:
Local Lead Generation for Small Business using Free Traffic from search results.
What this is encompasses a three-pronged answer:
- Establish a lead gen site (from scratch) and quickly make it rank to the top of search results
- Rake in “dat’ money”
- Repeat
Sounds simple?
I hate to break it to ya, but that’s the exact strategy I used to build an empire of over 45 lead gen sites that are all acting as my virtual real estate…
Every single one of those lead gen sites is currently rented out to small businesses who are getting more and more customers every single month – and they’ve been paying me every month ever since I started with them.
I still have tons of clients that I began a partnership when I started the lead gen business model back in 2014 – and they’re paying me my passive income each and every month, like clockwork!
It’s a liberating lifestyle, to be honest with you.
By the way, here’s what the work of lead generation looks like:

It’s a pretty straight forward process to get your lead gen properties pasted up top – much like what you see in the photo above – to have it bring in the big bucks for ya.
Did I mention it’s passive?
I really don’t work that hard anymore for the $45k+ monthly income…
When I was working a corporate gig in Detroit, Michigan, I was only getting $35k in an annual salary – and the only bonus I had to look forward to was a condescending manager that would tell me all of the reasons why “Suzy What’s Her Name” was getting the $0.25 cents salary
Thanks to the lead gen coaching program that I had found in 2014, I was able to quit that job after raking in $10k in passive monthly income from my side hustle of lead gen for small businesses.
Is this to say that you’re going to duplicate my earnings?
Back to the legal nonsense where I have to disclaim and say that nothing is guaranteed, and blah blah blah…
The truth is that a lot of people have duplicated my results inside of our coaching program – but they earned every bit of that high, monthly income.
In addition, here’s what else people in my shoes have achieved beyond the financial compensation for
- LITERALLY work anywhere you want! If you’ve got a laptop and good internet access, you never have to be in an office building again if you don’t want to be.
- Wanna quit your job? You could do it here – like so many others have before you with this lead gen coaching program – and build up a passive income to fire your boss after it replaces (or even surpasses) your full-time gig.
- Looking for a side hustle that makes a positive impact in your community? We bring more customers to businesses to help them thrive – what’s not to love about that!?
- Considered you’ll be stepping on someone’s toes? Most small business owners don’t even know where to learn about these things, and if they do then they don’t have the time. That’s why they want to hire someone like you who can bring them
hungry buyers – cash-in-hand – and they will gladly pay a premium to keep you around long-term if you can do that for them! - Not sure you want to work in your local area anymore? You can build lead gen sites and place them in any city and just about any industry that could benefit from more customers
- The Business Model Is Simple: Connect Buyers to Business / Service Provider – and get paid to keep doing it!!!
- High-Profit Margins: Passive income from free traffic, just get your lead gen site to rank and take your profit to the bank
Today, meaning right now, I have multiple sources and revenue streams coming into my bank account predictably… yes, that means AutoPilot and Mailbox Money (I don’t have a job anymore, so it must be real)!
Those lead gen sites of mine collect anywhere from $750 to $3k per month; this is what one of the $750 ones look like – and it’s live and online today as a limo lead gen site up in Lansing, MI (that’s the state’s capital, by the way) – see it for yourself below:

The results are real.
My story is real.
The coaching program is legitimate.
The internet and small local business service providers aren’t going away anytime soon (that we know of) which means you can rely on job security and healthy revenue coming your way if you are ready to hustle.
Local Lead Generation is here to stay!
If you’re ready for a passive income of your own, with high-profit margins, and the opportunity to make a side hustle beat out your current monthly income, CLICK HERE and let’s chat it up about your future goals. Serious hustlers only need apply; we only have enough room for people that want to change their lives like I did when I moved out of my low-rent apartment so many moons ago.
Are you still reading??? Hit me up already by CLICKING HERE for More Information on our Lead Gen Coaching Program that got me free of the 9 to 5 less than 5 years ago!