This simple lil' website below ( has been making me passive income since 2015. I haven't touched this site in years. (July 2019 it paid me $1850)
In this case study, you will see the power of this lead generation business model & why it has been my #1 key to living a life of freedom ever since I started in 2014.
Step 1: Picking a Niche
Step 2: Building the Site (I use Weebly)
Step 3: Ranking the Site
Step 4: Generating Leads & Selling the Leads
Step 5: Rinse & Repeat
This business model is simple yet so effective.
Because we're able to consistently get our sites on the most important real estate on the internet.
Which is:
#1 Rankings in Google's Organic Search
Once you own these top positions, the phone calls start coming in by the bucket loads.
We placed our own tracking phone number on the site which is connected to our proprietary phone tracking software that tracks records every single call that comes in.
Recording of one of the calls:
The recording of the call like above, gets emailed to my client automatically.
They're also hearing a whisper message at the beginning of every call that says "This lead was sent to you by Ippei"
Once all of this is set up, it keeps running on its own like a well-oiled machine. AKA once these sites are ranked, it generally stays ranked with very lil' to no maintenance.
Here's pictures of checks I've been getting from this tree service client that dates all the way back to December 2015.
He's paying me 10% of closed jobs.
Because 1 tree removal job can go upwards of $5000 so at 10% its pretty lucrative.
But you can do these deals in several different ways.
- Pay per call ($20 per lead for example, regardless of whether they close or not. Our call tracking software can do auto-billing)
- Flat Fee (Once the biz owner can see the leads coming in, they'll be sold on paying you a flat fee every month, it'll only takes couple closed jobs to be able to afford to pay you $1000-$2000 every month)
- Hybrid (Combination of flat fee & performance, Ex: $750 per month flat fee & 8% on every closed job)
Final Thoughts
This is merely one out of 85+ lead gen sites I have today.
The most important aspect of this biz model is the fact that we own the website & phone number.
Which means longterm client retention. My clients cannot leave me, they have to pay me month after month & they're happy to.
Because they know that if they don't pay, then I can send the leads to their competitor.
Lead Generation is crazy ROI because...
For this Lansing Tree Service site, I spent around 7 hours building the site from scratch, and another 15 hours ranking it over 3 months.
So total time spent: 22 hours
Some expenses:
- $15 per month for tracking phone number
- $15 per year for the domain
- $8 per month for the hosting
- Initial investment of around $750 to rank the site
So around $800 invested and 22 hours spent to create a digital property that's been paying me $1200 per month on average since 2015.
That's $14,400 per year income.
Over the last 4 years, this site has made me around: $57,600
Only expense today is $23 per month ($15 for phone number + $8 for hosting)
If we divide that by the total amount of time I spent on it, which was 23 hours.
$57,600 / 23 hours = was a $2504 per hour activity
I've yet to find any other online business or digital marketing model for that matter that gives me the amount of ROI that lead generation model has earned me.
This is why 90% of my online income today is with lead generation.